What’s your favourite thing about Studio You?
Miss Bridges: I really like the variety of the provision available; this gives students the choice between dance based workouts, yoga or the combat options.
Miss Thompson: There is a broad choice of activities to use to inspire our girls to enjoy being active. It is great to provide something alternative to team sports for those who do not enjoy them.
How would you describe your experience using Studio You lessons?
Miss Bridges: Students have felt supported throughout the easy-to-follow videos and have been able to copy along with ease. This has developed students’ confidence because there is always an option available for low impact and high impact and they can choose which level to work at.
What have your students’ reactions been to using Studio You?
Miss Bridges: At first, they were very apprehensive, however after a couple of weeks they have settled into the lessons and are now looking forward to PE and progressing through the videos.
Miss Thompson: Our students have enjoyed trying new activities, had fun and came out smiling.
Do you think your students are more engaged with physical activity since using Studio You?
Miss Bridges: Yes, especially our KS4 (age 14-16) girls who previously following the pandemic have been slightly disengaged with PE and physical activity.
Miss Thompson: Our students in some year groups find engaging in team games difficult, being able to offer something they may not have had the chance to try before means they do not have any pre-conceived ideas about what they are doing. It’s been nice to watch them engage and push themselves in different ways. Self-confidence is definitely improving!
What do you think about the amount of choice Studio You provides?
Miss Bridges: It’s great that we as teachers can choose which lessons and disciplines might suit different groups best based on our knowledge of their abilities and preferences.
Miss Thompson: The variety is key, if something doesn’t work with a particular group, we change disciplines.
Discover over 100 video lessons across a range of disciplines girls have told us they want to try, from yoga, to combat, fitness, dance and more.